Are you looking for a specific bind-off? Here is an alphabetical, linked list of all the bind offs I’ve already covered with notes of their features. It is, of course, in no way complete and I will add to it over time. Are you looking for a bind off that is not on the list? Drop me a line and I’ll see what I can do!

Decrease Bind Off (in pattern) relaxed
- Decrease Bind-Off stretchy
- Elastic Bind-Off stretchy
- Frilled Standard Bind-Off stretchy, decorative
- Icelandic Bind-Off stretchy
- I-Cord Bind-Off stretchy, decorative

Loopy bind-off
- Lace Bind-Off stretchy
- Loopy Bind-Off stretchy, decorative
- Picot Bind-Off stretchy, decorative
- Suspended Bind-Off stretchy
- Tubular Bind-Offs stretchy, tubular
- Two-Row Bind-Off decorative

Two-row bind-off
If you are looking for reference books: I can recommend the book Cast On, Bind Off: 54 Step-by-Step Methods; Find the perfect start and finish for every knitting project (*) by Leslie Ann Bestor. Many of these cast ons are included in that book as well with detailed instructions. And I’ve been wanting to buy Cast On, Bind Off: 211 Ways to Begin and End Your Knitting (*) by Cap Sease for a while. It also seems like a good comprehensive reference book.
On top of that Craftsy has a class on the subject of cast ons and bind offs that is well worth watching: 40 Ways to Cast On & Bind Off with Aurora Sisneros (*).
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